The Timeless Swing by Tom Watson

The Timeless Swing by Tom Watson
When Tom Watson’s final round approach shot to the 18th at Turnberry during the 2009 British Open rolled past the hole, over the green and down the slope, I fell to my living room floor because I couldn’t stand it. I was really pulling for him to win because to do so at the age of 59 would have been possibly the greatest win in golf history. It didn’t quite happen but it was still a remarkable story.
In his new book, The Timeless Swing, Tom Watson has compiled the insights, secrets, and fundamentals he has learned and used throughout his legendary golf career. Over the past 40 years, Watson has a total of eight major championships, 68 professional wins, and of course nearly won that British in 2009. 

I usually think golf instruction books are pretty boring but this one is different. The book is designed to help both beginners as well as more advanced players. He covers the basics such as grip, posture, alignment, and ball position and then steadily moves on to topics such as hitting low hooks or high fades, hitting if farther, and swinging in the wind.
The book is filled with excellent photographs of Watson demonstrating every fundamental and shot that is discussed. Watson also includes many drills that golfers of all skill levels can use to improve. All in all, the book provides clear, concise, easy to read golf instruction that covers a majority of the knowledge Watson has learned throughout his career.

It’s quite evident that Tom Watson has a timeless, consistent, efficient swing with smooth tempo that he’s used to be successful for 40 years. What better way to learn than from one of the game’s all time champions?

There are (5) 1st prizes and (5) 2nd prizes. 1st place receives a signed copy of The Timeless Swing and a signed copy of Lessons of a Lifetime DVD. 2nd place receives a signed copy of The Timeless Swing and a signed Adams golf hat. 

Simon & Schuster gave me this book to read and review in connection with its Sweepstakes.
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