Top 100 Rankings

Top 100 Rankings
Hot off the press!  

The Rim Golf Club rankings have been updated by Golfweek.  Yesterday the rankings became official and we have moved up the list for the first time since 2002.  We definitely have had struggles over the past few years.  Last year was the first year we were able to use our newly developed Integrated Plant Management Program.  

Joe Trombino and I have worked hard over the past year to re-organized the way The Rim has been managed.  Even with the economy in shambles the course will still thrive only because of the maintence program in place.  Soon to come is a newly created Best Management Practice program for water conservation/use efficiancy.  This will help us target any in-efficiancies we may have in our water usage program and begin to save more water then we already have. 

Our plan is to give our membership the Top 50 course they deserve.  We have worked hard over the past two and half years I have been here to create the best management plan possible.  I think this is the first year that we are starting to see the fruits of our labor.  Last year was the firt year the course made it through the summer without devastating turf loss to disease and insects in a few years.  Next year will not be any diferent.

Here is the link for you guys to look at the rankings for this year.

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