On a mission

On a mission
I love golf, Tasmania and technology - so why not combine them all?

I've always wanted to write a book, but books are lame (yes I work in the State Library of Tasmania at the time of creating this blog). I also started out as a junior golfer attempting to play all of the golf courses in Tasmania. Trouble is, I never recorded any of it. In fact, I can't remember details of some of the courses I have played. To play all of the golf courses (around 75 from my early estimations) will take a long time. If I was writing a book, then you would be waiting 25 years or so before you could read it. At least with a blog it's possible to write and share it as I go.

I intend to record (words, pictures and possibly video) the best and worst features of each golf course I play in Tasmania. No doubt while I'm doing this, I'll experience things that also warrant an entry or two in the blog - bad luck stories, holes-in-one, people I meet, as well as over the top and exaggerated accounts of my best shots for the round. I'll tell you my scores for each round I play, but this will probably stop pretty soon (I'll cite technical difficulties) if I get too embarrassed by my poor play.

I'll collate a list of Tasmanian Golf courses (little help Stuart Eaton?) and post it along with my upcoming schedule. This week we're off up the East Coast to Launceston and I intend to play Barnbougle Dunes and the Launceston Country Club (Casino) - I might even fit in a round at Freycinet. I can't wait to see Barnbougle. Anyone that knows my golf game knows I can't play in the wind. Anything under 80 would surprise me.

More soon …
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