Exercise of the Month

Exercise of the Month

The gluteal muscles (aka the butt) are the king of the golf swing. During the backswing, these muscles help to stabilise the lower body, providing a solid base from which the upper torso can rotate. During the downswing, the gluteal muscles help rotate the hips and again provide a stable base around which the upper torso can rotate. Muscles of the back also play a pivotal role in the golf swing as they help to maintain spine angle. 

 Unfortunately, in everyday life, all these muscles are susceptible to weakness as we often remain seated for extended periods of time at work, in the car, or even worse, slouched over a computer. The effect is that the front of our bodies become tight and our backs become weak. More often than not, this results in perpetuating cases of poor posture and dysfunctional movement patterns, in everyday life, as well as our golf swings. 

 As many golfers tend to despise any form of physical exercise, the idea of going to a gym may be too painful to entertain. With this in mind, the identification of quick, effective, and simple exercises is of essence. Kettle-bell exercises work just about every muscle in the back of your body (postural chain).  Ideal for golf, these exercises will help to correct postural deficiencies, develop stability in the lower body and spine, whilst also increase potential power output. Click on the link below to learn more about these exercises and if you are feeling up to it.....give them a shot....I am sure these exercises can help your golf.

Kettlebell Exercises

If you have any pain, feel deconditioned, or tight, please consult your doctor before performing these exercises.
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