Away Day - What Happened

Away Day - What Happened
The sun shone on the Braemar Golf Course, and a few of the party were a little worried, what was this new phenomenon? Having played most of the season in drizzle, this was an altogether new prospect. We were warmly welcomed by Colin and his team at Braemar, and so we settled into what was to be an excellent day out. With around 160 in the field, the course and clubhouse waas never empty, and I think the only little complaint the lads had was the hold-up at the crossover between the 2nd and 8th tees, with some groups taking 20 minutes to clear through.

In time honoured tradition, first up for our group was the Captain, who was ably "cheered on" (heckled) by everyone else in the party, however managed to pull off a solid hit, landing in the middle of the fairway. Next up was our token Englishman, Sammy Bolderson, however it was a bit like teeing off with Tiger Woods for Sammy, as soon as the Captain had played, everyone left!

Some five hours later, the last group sauntered off the course, sunburnt and in extremely good spirits, everyone had had an excellent day out. And there were prizes as well, so here we go:

Main Competition

Class 2 2nd Place - Andrew Hughes
Class 2 3rd PLace - Dave Grant

Well done fellas

Club Prizes

Best Gross - Scott Robertson - 72
Best Nett - Dave Grant - 61
Best Stableford - Andy Hughes - 35
Longest Drive - Lewis Duncan
Nearest The Pin - Brian Jackson
Highest Gross - Eric Gray - 102
Worst Score on a Hole - Dave Findlay - 2 x 10's
Shortest Drive on the First - Ian Clark
Balls in River - Fergus Martin and Dennis McDonald - 2

All in all, a superb day out, so thanks to Mark for arranging it, Derek for assisting in the Sweep, and all of those that turned up for the day. Special mention to Paul Taylor, the driver, who decided that rather than spend 8 hours wandering round Braemar, he'd be better served playing, and so joined us for the day.

(Anyone with photos of from the day, please mail them to me, and I'll post them)
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