I'm slicing the ball...

I'm slicing the ball...
Any advice on how to avoid slicing? That's my struggle right now and I get so frustrated! I'm trying to work on my stance, but it must be the way the club is hitting the ball.

Slicing is a very tough habit to break. In most cases, it is the result from several things going wrong. And to be honest, the only way to really assess the situation is to have a professional see you in person. But, since we don't always have time for that, and it is natural for us to want a "quick fix" here is a tip I got from a great golfer.

I was hitting golf balls at a practice tee and every ball was slicing big time. It was quite remarkable that I could be so consistently bad. When the golf instructor saw my golf swing, he told me this tip.

"right at the bottom of the swing, rotate your hands and wrists through impact, this will square up the club face"

Once he told me that, I started hitting the ball so darn straight, you wouldn't believe it was possible.

The bottom line is this. There are two factors in golf that are unchangeable. These two factors determine what the golf ball with do in the air. The direction the ball starts at initial launch is determined by the swing path, and the location where the ball comes to rest is where the face angle of the golf club is positioned at impact.

If the ball starts 5 yards left of the target and slices right, landing 10 yards right of the target, that means the swing path was left of the target and the face angle at impact was slightly open.

The ball flight will never lie. When I teach golf, I often watch the golf ball in the air, because it's flight will tell me what the student is doing right and what they are doing wrong. If you are slicing, it means the golf club face is positioned open at impact. Keep that in mind next time you are on the practice tee. I encourage you all to manipulate the golf club at impact, adjusting the face angle, and altering the ball flight. This will allow you to become familiar with your release at the bottom of the swing, allowing you to have more control as you become familiar with the correct positions to hit the best shots.
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