Starting Your Down Swing For Power

Starting Your Down Swing For Power
Starting Your Down Swing For Power

The Transition:

The transition from loading to unloading should be smooth and rhythmic. The tempo may vary form person to person but it is important not to make the transition too “jerky.”

The downswing is always initiated from the ground up. Most people feel that they initiate the swing with the body.
Cause the body has a small circumference around which to travel, verses the very large circumference the club has to travel, it will feel like the arms must begin the downswing rather than the body. This is only a feeling. The video will show this to be the case.

Some players have described the downswing as pulling down on a rope. Some may describe the downswing as a driving of the knees toward the target or swing path.

In any case, the one thing a golfer must avoid is an unwinding of the shoulder in the downswing. Since the body does have less territory to cover in the downswing, a premature unwinding of the shoulders will cause the body to be either ahead of the arms or open at impact. This may cause a pulling of the golf ball or a pull slice if the club face is open to the path.

Faulty Movement
Starting Down with the Shoulders
Typical Cause: Beginning as if in a baseball swing, with a turning of the shoulders.
Remedy: Pull down with the hands and arms first, and begin the downswing with the knees driving toward the golf ball.

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