About a month ago we had a week long storm that dropped 11 inches of precipitation. The start of the storm yielded heavy rains while the tail end of the storm ended up dumping nearly a foot of snow on the golf course. With that much rain we knew we were going to have our work cut out for us.
Shortly after the snow melted we were able to assess the damage. We had some fairly large DG deposits on the golf course that needed to be cleaned up. There were a couple drains plugged that needed some attention but most of all, left of thirteen fairway had some serious issues.
To the left of #13, at the bottom of the "bail out" area, was a large washout in the turf. The perforated drain pipe was clogged with DG. When the large volume of water was stopped by the DG in the pipe, the easiest way for the water to go was out the perforations. It also didn't help that it came to a screeching hault when the 6" pipe was reduced to four inch at about the same place as the clog.
The water literally bursting out of the pipe, began undermining the DG soil and pushing it down the original drainage trench. This caused the turf above to collapse and all the soil to end up at the bottom of the hill in bubbles under the turf.
We are working on fixing the problem with the pipe reduction and the perforation. I will keep everyone posted on the progress of this project, but as for now the left side of thirteen is a mess and is also roped off completely. Please take care and look for our staff and we will make sure we watch for you so we do not get in the way.
If you have any questions about #13 or the drainage that will be installed please contact me.
Justin C. Ruiz, CGCS