Can Adidas adiPURE Golf Shoes Provide a Good Fit for Nick Faldo?

Can Adidas adiPURE Golf Shoes Provide a Good Fit for Nick Faldo?
Nick Faldo, in days of yore a carpet fitter and now Knighted by the Queen and afforded the title of "Sir" has been tapped to be a delegate of sophistication for Adidas Golf footwear.

About fifty years ago Adidas first entered the sports marketplace producing shoes for soccer and running, hardly a brand for the jet-set. Endorsement deals combining world-class athletes with "street cred" has helped Adidas to improve their visibility revitalizing the brand for both lifestyle and leisure activites as well as remaining a brand for "everyman".

The Faldo-Adidas connection surely makes a good "fit".

Nick Faldo wearing Adidas adiPURE golf shoes

With a unique upscale and trendy look, adidas may have a winner with the adiPURE golf shoe opting for the combination of form and function. And, at this time in his career Faldo concludes, "I think it fits my stages in golf and my position in television," adding that the adiPURE line suits him because of trendy yet traditional appeal.

"The adiPURE premium apparel and footwear line speaks to the sophisticated golfer. The adiPURE line has infinite elegance and superior performance with clean designs, contemporary styling and groundbreaking technologies, built to anticipate the needs of the competitive purist."

Patricia Dahan, Senior Director of Global Apparel conveyed, "The product is timeless. It features styling that is well-tailored and incorporates all of the core technologies, but with fabrications that have a very luxurious and sophisticated feel giving the line a modern look."

Timeless elegance, top-shelf craftsmanship and eye-catching designs are important but now it's time for the comfort test. If the new adiPURE by Adidas can combine style and performance with a wide enough berth for extra wide feet, Adidas will have a winner!

Of course, the most important question for a golf gal is, "When will Adidas extend the line to include women golf apparel?" The stylish adidas Festuca shoe by Stella McCartney is a good start...

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