Counter Intuitive

Counter Intuitive
One of the most common ways that golfers make their game worse is by trying to solve a swing problem by their self. Below is an example of a golfers attempt to self correct his swing. What is unique about this situation is that the solution that made sense in his head, was the reason his swing got worse. Lets have a look:
"I have been hitting it right."
The brain's solution:
"If I hang back a little more through impact, then I won't get ahead of the ball and eliminate my slice."


An even bigger slice!

What has occurred here is that the logic of the brain has interfered with proper golf mechanics. The act of staying behind the ball lets your brain think you will have more time to close the club face. What actually happens is that the arc of the swing is now shifted back, promoting an even bigger left to right movement. Moving the ball forward, getting it in front of the arc is a common method for fading the ball.

The real solution:

Swinging through the ball, promoting a finished swing, helps you get to your left side. This allows you to trap the ball at a better point in the arc, promoting a straighter ball flight. This results in a more balanced swing, applying more speed to the ball, therefore increasing distance and accuracy. The brain's solution above actually made his balance worse, making the speed of his swing decrease, therefore decreasing his distance and accuracy.

If you are applying the correct swing theory to your golf swing and you still tend to hit it right, This is due to the angle of the face at impact. If you are hitting it right, the face is open at impact. If this is the case, please see a golf instructor to learn drills and proper practice methods to eliminate the timing issue of your release.

The moral of the story is, unless you are an experienced pupil of the game, self medicating your swing will, in most cases, be more detrimental. Proper golf swing mechanics can be very counter intuitive to your brain's logic. Let a golf instructor teach you proper mechanics, so you can learn the right way to fix your swing problems.
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