Following the Gents Section Committee FebruaryMeeting, I am pleased to inform you that we now have a Gents Committee in place to carry out the duties of the Section for the forthcoming season.

I would like to personally thank all the Gents who have come forward to offer help at this difficult time.

The following list gives names and contact numbers to replace the list at the front of the 2010 Fixture Book.

Acting Captain.......................Eric Gray................Tel: 07845 971956
Acting Vice Capt....................David Grant...........Tel: 01738 446448
Secretary................................Ian McGowan........Tel: 07970 870679
Treasurer................................Eric Gray................Tel: As Above
Competition Secretary.........Scott Thomson...... Tel: 07908 112199
Handicap Secretary..............Mark Tinker..........Tel: 01250 874872
Match Secretary...................David Douglas....... Tel: 07778 003958
Senior Convenor....................Ernie Wastell.........Tel: 01828 640106
Committee..............................Peter Tinker..........Tel: 01250 876035
..................................................Donald Thomson...Tel: 01828 640420
Gents Mixed Convenor.........Jack Scott...............Tel: 01828 670583

The 2010 season is almost upon us and I would like to wish you all the very best for the forthcoming season and hope you enjoy your golf.

Eric Gray - Acting Captain
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