Water is a hot topic for The Rim Golf Club. We have had several years where the course suffered from a lack of attention to the irrigation system. Water became the limiting factor when fine tuning the presentation and playability of the golf course. Three years ago, when I was employed the course was very wet. The course was over watered in the spring leading to drastic conservation efforts in the hottest months of the year. The range and rough became victim to the water reductions. Since 2006 the water usage has reduced and the course has improved. Click here to read a previous blog post explaining this in detail, or read the case study on the Environmental Institute for Golf Web Page.
The amount of work during the 2007 season that was put into the irrigation system came with huge benefits. This class is just an extension to help us dig deeper into the programming and equipment efficiency with mathematics. I learned the math in college but was never able to get an opportunity to apply it before it became a distant memory. This is the next step that will help us make the irrigation system apply water more efficiently and possibly increase playability, while reducing water usage.
The Golf Industry Show has always been a great educational learning experience that keeps superintendents up to date on leading edge knowledge. I would compare it to the conferences that doctors go to where they can learn about the newest technology and procedures to help them be better at their job. I have yet to walk away from a golf industry show where I have not learned anything. Staying on the leading edge is a must in our industry. Turf maintenance has evolved over time and requires superintendents to evolve with it.
If you have any questions about the show, Golf Irrigation Auditors Class, or any general questions please feel free to contact me.
Justin C. Ruiz, CGCS